Congratulations to our CKCA school-wide Spelling Bee winners! Grady and Honore got the opportunity to move on and proudly represent CKCA at the Barton County Spelling Bee on February 10, 2024. We are so proud of all their hard work!
A congratulations is also in order to our 3rd-8th grade classroom winners as well! These individuals competed during our January 19th school-wide Spelling Bee to compete for a spot in the Barton County Spelling Bee.
3rd Grade Winners:
Jazalene Smith
Brantley Damon
Kerrington Kaiser
4th Grade Winners:
Grady Weber
Adalynn Jeska
5th Grade Winners:
Riskin Waters
Brennan Kelty
Hazel Schroeter
6th Grade Winners:
Maggie Breitenbach
Patrick Lane
7th Grade Winner:
Honore Ajouh-Ngam